I cannot believe that N will be starting Middle School! We got him all checked-in this morning. Most of the new 6th graders looked like "deers in headlights". I told N that at least 98% of the other 6 graders feel the same! That made him feel more comfortable. We shelled out lots of $$$ for PE clothes, a yearbook, school pictures, and a few other things. He was excited about getting his ID card already. Then we picked up his textbooks that will kept at home. That is really nice: he gets a set to leave at home, and he'll have a set to keep at school. He'll still have to carry his workbooks around, but it's a lot better than all of those textbooks. We got his schedule and walked around the campus locating all of his classrooms. He felt a lot more comfortable about the whole idea after he saw where to go for each class. The 6th grade is kept pretty separate from the other grades, and will have their own area of the campus. This sure made ME feel better. He looks forward to seeing his friends and making new friends. I've been so spoiled with having the Elementary school 2 blocks away! Now, I actually have to get in my car to drive him to/from school! Poor me! I'm hoping to get in on a carpool with a neighbor I recently met. That would be great. We'll see ... Anyway, after we got him checked in ... we had a little extra time and we went and got a Jamba Juice together. It was nice to have some one-on-one time together. I sure love my N!!
2016 Here I Come!
9 years ago
Have fun at middle school! Just remember. You are bigger than most of the kids there so they can never look down on you.
Have a great first day of school!
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