I've been tagged by my friend, Raimi. I'm up to the challenge of this list.
The rules of the game are posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:
1.Throwing 400+ newspapers in the wee hours of the morning. Yes, you read that right!! Try driving with your knee, folding papers, throwing papers and shifting gears ALL AT ONCE! It’s possible!
2. G & I celebrated 5 years of marriage.
3. Babysat a sweet little boy part time. Still keep in touch with the family.
4. I was pregnant with B (yes, I still threw papers!)
5. I was taking a BYU English class on-line.
5 Things on my to-do list today (only 5?)
1. Finish my talk for sacrament meeting tomorrow.
2. Work on J’s talk for Primary (when it rains, it pours, right?!)
3. Finish Christmas letter (something new for me this year).
4. Laundry.
5. Finish cleaning the MY bedroom.
5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Homemade chocolate chip cookies
2. Dry Life cereal
3. M&M’s
4. Popcorn flavored rice cake bites
5. Honey Wheat pretzel sticks
5 things I would do if I was a Billionaire:
1. Take the family to Europe & Scandinavia (I have family in Denmark).
2. Take care of missions/college for 4 boys.
3. Buy a bigger house with a playroom & pool for the boys.
4. Pay off our siblings’ homes.
5. Hire a maid
3 of my bad habits:
1. Sometimes I still sweat the small stuff – usually things that are out of my control.
2. saying YES to too many things @ one time.
3. Shopping without a list.
5 places I have lived
1. Walnut Creek, CA
2. Provo, UT
3. Pleasant Hill, CA
4. Concord, CA
5. current residence
5 Jobs I’ve had:
1. Youth Newspaper carrier (@ 40 papers), age 11 til I left for college
2. Office help @ a Construction Firm
3. Cashier @ Health Food Store
4. Data Entry for Chevron
5. Trainer for Digital Library Conversion for Elementary Schools up through University
5 Things people probably don’t know about me:
1. I used to twirl a baton and LOVED my baton classes when I was 8-9.
2. My nick name while growing up was LITTLE PEACHES; Short story: I “hated” bottled apricots, but we were out of bottled peaches (which I loved). Big brother took the jar of apricots to kitchen, came right back with SAME jar and told me that they were little peaches. I gobbled them up. Haven’t lived it down!
3. I love to take naps ... long naps.
4. I was Christmas shopping in a crowded mall with my close friend when we were 15 when a small plan crashed into the mall. We narrowly escaped (some people didn't). I’ll never forget it.
5. I HATE cleaning toilets. HATE it.
*Some of these were a little hard to answer. I tag all who have read this. I hope to see this list made into your own on your own blogs.
2016 Here I Come!
9 years ago
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