I was tagged by my good friend, Amy, with a list of questions. So, here goes!!
What was I doing 10 years ago? I was pregnant with B, doing a humongous early morning newspaper route, and babysitting one little boy 4 days a week. We were living in one of our favorite apartments … more of a duplex, and we had many friends, who were also young couples with small children, living close by. We had a small backyard, and it was perfect for us at the time. There was one plank missing in our back fence where N and his friend would play with each other right there. G was busy at work on his Master’s Thesis and was gone at school a lot. This was a really good time in our lives. We made lifelong friends here.
5 things on my to-do list today? I did a science lesson in J’s class today, so I had to run to the store quickly to pick up some M&M’s and pretzels for the snack graph. I have to keep the boys off all of the video games today. They lost their video privileges as of last night – behavior. The house needs a good “pickin’ up” in every room. A bomb went off. Did it hit your house too?? Also, I need to get on the elliptical today. No excuses. I’m embarrassed to say that my bed isn’t made. I left in a hurry this morning. The worst thing is coming home to it all. Do you agree??
What snacks do I enjoy? I love snacking at little too much. I'm working on this. I really like the honey wheat pretzel sticks. I also really like a good naval orange. Another favorite is M&M’s. I have a hard time stopping with one small handful. It’s bad!
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire? We’d probably upgrade to a slightly bigger house, pay off any debt, and pay off the mortgages of our close family members. Our boys’ college funds would be set, and I would love to find some humanitarian things to do WITH our boys.
3 bad habits? Not exercising enough, but I’m getting better at this. I can procrastinate things sometimes. A good example is getting dinner started! Also, I stay up too late, and then I’m dragging by the next afternoon.
5 places I've lived? Walnut Creek, CA ; Concord, CA ; Pleasant Hill, CA ; Provo, UT ; current residence
5 jobs I've had? Newspaper routes (yes, I’ve had several of them, (my biggest one was @ 415 papers), Clerk at a Health Food Store, Retail Sales, Data conversion of Library Systems (Card catalogs to searchable database – MARC anyone??), Data Entry for Chevron, and of course, MOM.
5 things people don’t know about me? Hmmm … I love to take an afternoon nap when I can (see “3 bad habits” above!). I hate lipstick. I never wear it. Lip-gloss is okay. My sisters pinned me down at one of our last family photos to apply lipstick on me! I really like to soak in the tub after the kids are in bed. It’s quiet, it’s warm/hot, and it’s so relaxing. I love to collect quotes. I have a huge file folder full of various quotes I’ve found over the years, not to mention a couple of books filled with inspiring quotes. I like how they are concise and pack a punch, whether it’s a laugh or it’s thought provoking. I think I've read more books in the past four or five years than I have in my entire life. I'm just enjoying it a lot more. I had some reading comprehension issues when I was a lot younger, so books and me weren't friends. Now, I'm constantly reading. Even before I finish my current book, I make sure I have something immediately to read next. It helps when your spouse is an avid reader, too. G is always reading. It will be hard for me when I start my next on-line class, to not be able to read my novels as much.
I tag my 3 sister-in-laws: JanEtta, Nadine & Sylvia. I'd love to read your lists!! So, copy the questions, add your own answers, and then post it on your blog.
2016 Here I Come!
9 years ago
O.K. I am so clueless. What exactly do I do when I've been tagged. This is all new to me.
Fun to read! I love M7M's too :)!
Syl .. You copy the questions and post your own answers on your blog. I should have been more clear. Oops.
hey steph, I know know that everyone has messy days. And lately my house has been extra messy. But doesn't it seem like everybody elses house is so clean? I think it helps to hear from everybody that we are all the same. And girl I hear ya on the laudry thing!! Some people are laundry freiks, and I am not one of them! I have a sock pile too. nobody has ANY socks in their drawers. They are in a big basket.
I HATE HATE HATE laundry. it totally is my downfall. I wish I had a maid for laundry only!
Okay, I'm going to try and do this tag thing.
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