Yesterday, I took the boys over to the new local library to see a FREE performance from the Science Wizard. The FREE part is what got my attention first, but then knowing that the boys would probably see cool science experiments sold me. The show lasted an entire hour and it was awesome!
The Science Wizard did all sorts of really cool experiments: melting stuff, forming solids, making mass amounts of bubbles, blowing gases, using flames ... the kids just LOVED it. Here, he's melting "Sheila", a Styrofoam head, with acid.
B was SO helpful with holding T, who wandered around a few times. The Science Wizard called to the crowd to find "this little boy's parents" to come get him! Yes, I had to make the 'walk-of-shame' to get him. Kids couldn't cross a certain line for obvious safety reasons. T did go back to sit with B one more time. In this picture, you can see J sitting right behind B & T. The boys talked about the experiments all day, and gave Dad a play-by-play recap at dinner.
B was called up to be a volunteer. Here, he gets some nitrous oxide gas blown into his face. He loved it!!
Here, the boys and their friends get a picture with the Science Wizard. B is holding what's left of "Sheila". The show was awesome!
2016 Here I Come!
9 years ago
How nice to find a mom of boys living a life like mine!! I peeked next door to my blog and found you today!
That sounds like a great show! I love the FREE library shows. I bet your boys loved all the science. Most of our shows are geared toward the younger crowd.
The boys certainly did have a great time! Our new library & their programs are AWESOME!
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