Monday, June 22, 2009

Family Day -- ALL Day!

Last week, we had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with my side of the family. We spent 2 hours on Saturday morning (6/13) taking family pictures at a nearby park (Thanks, Betsey!!)
Then, we went over to a bigger park, had lunch, played and just hung out for most of the afternoon.

Here's N & M on the see-saw toys ... go figure!

J climbing the slide

My brother, T with "Hamma" (aka Grandma), watching family members play Bocce ball

G taking advantage of the shade

L playing Bocce against Boppi (aka Grandpa)

G and me in a game against each other. G won this time. I usually beat him, but it just wasn't my day. We played with my parents.

Hamma with me, N and 2 of my nieces playing Chicken Foot (Dominoes). So fun!

Some of the grand kids just having a blast playing together.

N with his cousin, M. I try to get a picture of these two each time we see them. It's been fun to look at their pictures together over the years. N is quite a bit taller than M. N is standing on a step that is below M's step. M liked feeling as tall as N ... even if it was just for a moment!
Later, Dave & Tami were on their way, and the rest of the family came over to my house for an impromptu pasta dinner. We all chipped in. It was yummy and it was great to spend more time together. The kids ran all over and most of the adults played a few rounds of dominoes. This time we played "Mexican Train". It was a whirl-wind day, but enjoyable. We all just dropped into bed that night! So happily tired ...