N earned 1 merit badge at the recent Court of Honor: Family Life. He is almost done with all of the requirements needed to start on his Eagle. We just need to get a fire under him!!! He doesn't mind doing the merit badge work, he just hates making the phone calls to the counselors!
N gave a recap of the Varsity Scout High Adventure at Santa Cruz. He was already nervous, but when he saw me with the camera, it made it worse! Sorry about that, N!
B earned 5 merit badges! Environmental Science, Family Life, Cooking, Sculpture, and Art. He's very close to his next rank advancement. Afterwards, there was different types of cobbler to enjoy. The leaders made them in dutch ovens.
2016 Here I Come!
8 years ago
Great job boys! Ben agrees that the phone calls are the WORST :) and running a close second is mom's with CAMERAS - lol, camie
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