J and I getting some salt water taffy in one of the many candy stores in Old Town Sac

J with his buddy in front of one of the big trains

On Friday, the 9th, I was able to go with J on his class field trip. I met them down at the California State Railroad Museum for a special tour. One of the senior volunteers (or Golden Coyotes) for the class is a Docent down at the museum and we got special treatment. We saw a movie about the railroads (probably could use an update on that!) and toured the museum. Only 2 classes were invited to come. After the tour of many different trains, some of which we could walk on, we ate lunch outside. J talked me into signing him out of school and bringing him home with me. I think he may have been more excited about THAT then the actual field trip! But first, we stopped in Old Town Sac and got some salt water taffy ( just trying to justify my parking validation -- you spend more than $5 and you get a $5 parking validation. I'd rather have taffy than just pay for parking!) It turned out to be a very fun field trip and it was great to spend time with J!