Monday, January 11, 2010

Hike through the Quarry

On Saturday, the 9th, we took the boys and headed out for an easy hike around a local quarry. It was quite foggy out, but we really needed to get out of the house. Last time we came to this quarry, it was quite warm. No one else was there on the trail. We just enjoyed being outside together, getting some fresh air, and a little bit of exercise.

Here's G with J at the start of our hike

Lots of the rocks were COVERED in moss. Still fun to climb and explore!

We weren't out for too long before we started to feel raindrops. Nothing much, but enough to get us heading back to the car. We had fun collecting BIG sticks, and throwing grass clumps and other things into some very disgusting standing water. I couldn't even take a picture of it because it was so yucky! On our way back home, we stopped at a gourmet cupcake shop we noticed on the way to the quarry. G went in to check it out and bought us some delicious cupcakes to share when we got home. Yum!
We sure like our family hikes. It's great family time. The boys love exploring and climbing and throwing and .... I could go on.


Julia said...

How fun! Got to love those family outings!