B went to Boy Scout camp last week. [Thank you to my friend, Camie, for the pictures!! I really appreciate it!] The troop left EARLY Monday morning (3:45am). He said he had a better time than he thought he'd have at camp. He earned 4 merit badges. I told him that he had to get Environmental Science, but then he could pick which other ones he wanted to do. He did earn the Environmental Science one, along with Sculpture, Art, and Cooking. He also passed the very challenging swimming test on the 2nd try. Not all scouts pass it. He said that the water was freezing (58 degrees), and it was hard to breathe. He was happy to be home (Saturday afternoon). Happy for a clean, warm shower. Happy for a clean, flushing toilet. He admitted that he thought about hugging the toilet, he was so happy to see it! Also, he said he's going to have nightmares about "Big John". He shudders just talking about it! A highlight for him was the cash that we sent him to treat himself at the scout store. He LOVED the chocolate tacos! He enjoyed learning a few different card games, too. I'm so glad that he had fun, and that he returned safely. As for the rest of the family, we missed him ... but, it was a little eerie how quiet the house was while B was away .... hmmm ...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Scout Camp
B went to Boy Scout camp last week. [Thank you to my friend, Camie, for the pictures!! I really appreciate it!] The troop left EARLY Monday morning (3:45am). He said he had a better time than he thought he'd have at camp. He earned 4 merit badges. I told him that he had to get Environmental Science, but then he could pick which other ones he wanted to do. He did earn the Environmental Science one, along with Sculpture, Art, and Cooking. He also passed the very challenging swimming test on the 2nd try. Not all scouts pass it. He said that the water was freezing (58 degrees), and it was hard to breathe. He was happy to be home (Saturday afternoon). Happy for a clean, warm shower. Happy for a clean, flushing toilet. He admitted that he thought about hugging the toilet, he was so happy to see it! Also, he said he's going to have nightmares about "Big John". He shudders just talking about it! A highlight for him was the cash that we sent him to treat himself at the scout store. He LOVED the chocolate tacos! He enjoyed learning a few different card games, too. I'm so glad that he had fun, and that he returned safely. As for the rest of the family, we missed him ... but, it was a little eerie how quiet the house was while B was away .... hmmm ...
Posted by Stephanie at 5:17 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hike in Folsom

Posted by Stephanie at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: hike
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
What's Up, Doc!?!
When T heard that our we had "Rabbit Ears" for a plant, he decided that they could be HIS rabbit ears. We've had this particular plant at our home since we moved in. It is a transplant from G's childhood home. The leaves are SO SOFT ... like a rabbit's ear! So, G helped give T his rabbit ears. He put a dish towel in the waistband of his shorts and grabbed a carrot from the fridge. He had a great time until the rubber band started to feel really tight! Pretty creative, I must say!!
Posted by Stephanie at 1:59 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Birthday Follow-Up
G & B at The Golden Corral Restaurant for B's birthday. B LOVED the small cinnamon & sugar donuts.
One thing he KNEW he wanted was his cookie pizza! We were all so stuffed from the buffet dinner that we didn't actually eat any of it on his birthday. But we sang to him and he blew out the candles. We sure enjoyed it the day after!! I think he's had this for his birthday for the past 3 or 4 birthdays. He LOVES it. Happy Birthday, B!
Posted by Stephanie at 5:14 PM 1 comments
Labels: birthday
Friday, June 4, 2010
I'm DONE with Middle School!!
N was officially promoted from Middle School on Wednesday, June 2nd. He has loved his time at this middle school. The staff is great!! Grandpa was able to join us for the promotion ceremonies, too! We had great seats in the bleachers, and could see N very well. It was a very nice ceremony. High School, here he comes!!!! Class of '14!
... Then I had to make a mad dash over to T's kindergarten picnic. That's another story ...
Posted by Stephanie at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: School
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Happy 12th Birthday, B!!
HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY, B!! It was much easier for me to find silly pictures of B than 'nice' ones because he's always being silly. As I've said before, he's the 'spice in the soup of our family'. And we can't imagine not having him in our family. Yes, he's silly, but he also has a tender heart and is very thoughtful. It's hard to believe that he's 12 years old today. Time flies. We love you, B!
Posted by Stephanie at 1:20 PM 1 comments
Labels: birthday
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
My first 10K

Posted by Stephanie at 9:41 AM 4 comments