Almost any time the garage door opens, T is already on his bike and tries to zoom down the driveway. He does this even when we are trying to get into the car to go somewhere. He did this on Sunday morning dressed in his church clothes, too. I let him take his bike and trike out for a little while today after school, then tried to bribe him back into the house-- it was freezing!! It could be pitch black, pouring rain, and he'd still want to be on his bike. He's really happy as he's peddling down the sidewalk, usually singing or counting. I dread the day when he doesn't turn his bike around to come back to the house ... when he keeps going and going. I know it's just a matter of time!
PS: Yes, I had to replace my camera. I really like it and I'm so glad to have it.
I always pray that all the pedaling Garrett does will just wear him out! Maybe all that pedaling will tire T out too! He is such a cute boy!
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