Yesterday was our 16th wedding anniversary. Hard to believe that much time has gone by. It's been a great 16 years =) We had the opportunity to go away for a night. We dumped, um, I mean brought the boys to my sister's house ...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
16th Annivsersary
Posted by Stephanie at 5:02 PM 5 comments
Labels: anniversary
Monday, December 29, 2008
December Bike Ride
Posted by Stephanie at 5:23 PM 4 comments
Labels: bikes
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A Day in the Snow
We HAD to get out of the house yesterday, Saturday. We intended on meeting some friends in Northstar @ Tahoe, however, it would have taken 3 -4 hours to get there due to traffic restrictions through Donner. So, we went to Plan B. We detoured up to Grass Valley and found a huge patch of snow to play in. We spent about an hour and a half just messing around. It was perfect. See, here's the thing about snow for me personally: Fun to play in, but not to live in.
T standing behind our snowman
Mom & T. Like our matching hats? G's sister knit all of these hats for us a few Christmases ago. We love them!
Of course, we made plenty of snow balls to toss at each other. Mom & Dad even got in on the action! It was so much fun. Then, we ate at this yummy Mexican restaurant. Everyone was happy with that. We headed back home and then later watched an action movie with the boys. Turned out to be a great day.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:42 PM 3 comments
Labels: snow
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve
Posted by Stephanie at 11:45 AM 3 comments
Labels: Christmas
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Ice Skating with T
T & I went ice skating today and had a blast! I haven't been on skates in years, but I caught the hang of it (again) pretty quick.

Posted by Stephanie at 12:37 PM 2 comments
Labels: field trip, preschool
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ward Christmas Party
Last Saturday was our Ward's Christmas Party. The Primary kids did a cute Nativity Play. T is one of the sheep. He's wearing a vest with white cotton balls. He's the 2nd sheep from the right.

Posted by Stephanie at 7:23 PM 2 comments
Labels: Christmas
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Way to go, N!
N came home with 2 certificates from his Middle School yesterday. 1 was for perfect attendance for the trimester, and the 2nd one was for making the Principal's List. This means that his GPA is between 3.5 - 3.9. =) He LOVES his new Middle School. He does a great job getting himself up in the mornings (better than his own parents, I might add!), and is doing great with keeping up with his homework. We're so proud of you!!
Posted by Stephanie at 4:45 PM 2 comments
Labels: School
Monday, December 8, 2008
Happy Birthday, G!!

Here are 38 things about G:
Posted by Stephanie at 10:47 AM 9 comments
Labels: birthday
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Cove Fort
After seeing much of Southern Utah, and on the way up to see family last week, we stopped at historic COVE FORT. It was used back in the late 1860's by many travelers going through Utah. It was a great day for us to come because there was only1 other family there. We got some great pictures and a personal tour of the fort.
The boys were at the top of the fort here. It served as a lookout at the time. We got a great view down into the fort as well.
The boys were given a toy that was one that children who lived at the fort would have played with.
We enjoyed our tour around the fort. The boys had a lot of questions and great insight to the fort. We're so glad that we stopped.
Posted by Stephanie at 8:24 AM 4 comments
Labels: Utah
Friday, November 28, 2008
Bryce Canyon
I am so behind on my blog =( Between traveling and an unreliable laptop, it's been a challenge. On Wednesday, we went to Bryce Canyon, UT. We spent most of the day hiking around the top and down through the canyon. It was gorgeous! This is definitely a place everyone needs to see. We LOVED the views, and all of the unique rock formations. The boys also found little patches of snow down below and made snowballs. We figured that we hiked almost 3 miles around and down in the canyon.
Posted by Stephanie at 11:22 AM 1 comments
Labels: Utah