J earned the coveted "Coyote of the Month" at school Friday. Only 1 student per class is picked each month. This is what his teacher said about J: "J is a hard worker in our classroom. He also knows how to treat others with respect. He is caring and enjoys helping others. He loves to participate in class and strives to always have good grades." We are so proud of him!!
T earned one of the Character Counts awards for his class. This month "caring" was the character trait. This MADE HIS DAY!! This is what his wonderful teacher said about T: "T is a sensitive, caring person that treats others kindly. He is always volunteering to help others in class and on the playground. In class, he makes a great Bumblebee and takes this responsibility very seriously. On the playground, he is always earning HOWL tickets for helping pick up playground equipment and cleaning the cafeteria. T is such a delightful boy and I am so thrilled to have him in our class!"
We are so proud of both of our boys!!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
School Awards
Posted by Stephanie at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Bear Award
J finally earned and received his BEAR award & his Religious Square Knot. Of course, when I want to take a nice picture of him and his awards, his slide is no where to be found ... hence the chunky rubber band holding his neckerchief! He's worked hard on many requirements, and has loved his Leaders. He looks forward to being in the Webelos den come January.
Posted by Stephanie at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: scouts
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Happy 40th Birthday, G!!
HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY to my dear husband, G! We are so blessed to have him in our lives. He's an amazing Dad to our boys and THE best husband ever. I love you!!!
Posted by Stephanie at 9:40 AM 1 comments
Labels: birthday
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Hoover Dam
Posted by Stephanie at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: vacation
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Walk Through California

This was the first time I was able to watch this wonderful program. It is a living history lesson for the kids and it was great! They came in costume, anything they chose to represent California history. It was a 2 1/2 hour interactive and FUN history lesson. The kids were loving it. I really enjoyed it myself! I somehow ended up being asked to be the scorekeeper. They were divided up into 4 teams, and I kept a running count of the points. This is well worth the $$$ the PTA spends on this program. Next year for 5th grade, they get to do the same thing, but it is all about the Revolution.
Posted by Stephanie at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
T FINALLY has been able to rejoin his team for most of the 2nd half of the season. Even though his cast came off at the half-way mark of the season, his doctor would not give us the 'go-ahead' to have him play soccer for 2 more weeks. He has surprised us with being able to just slide right back into playing ... probably even better than before! Go figure! He has some good hustle out there and has made an assist for a goal.
There is just one more game of the season. It's been a great year for the boys. Hard to believe it's wrapping up already.
Posted by Stephanie at 8:58 AM 1 comments
Labels: soccer
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Rank Advancement: 1st Class!
On Thursday, B received his 1st class rank advancement at the Court of Honor. He also earned 3 merit badges: Disabilities Awareness, First Aid, and Emergency Preparedness. He has quite a few other merit badges in progress. He's been working really hard! He finishes up his Cycling merit badge today (Saturday) and will receive that one at the next Court of Honor. That merit badge was a HUGE challenge to complete! Way to go, B!!
Posted by Stephanie at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: scouts
Friday, October 22, 2010
Meeting Paul Cardall

On Thursday, my friend, K and I drove over to the church bookstore to meet Paul Cardall. G took a bit of time off of work to come by, too! I have LOVED his piano music over the past few years. He has composed some amazing arrangements of LDS Hymns as well as composing original music. I immediately fell in love with the music, and I listen to it often. Then I started to follow him on his blog and was amazed and touched by his personal story. I was following along while he was waiting for his heart transplant and when things didn't look good. Some days, I'd actually get nervous about peeking in at his blog because I was so sad about his condition and the possibility of his early death. His blog entries were so inspirational and sure put things in my own life in perspective. So, when I actually read the newsletter from the local church bookstore, my heart skipped a beat when it said that Paul would be coming in for a book/CD signing and that he'd be speaking and performing later that night!! We took the whole family to the fireside and loved it. I could seriously listen to him for hours!! (I would have been devastated if I found out after the fact!)
So, if you haven't heard of him before now, go check out his website and check out his beautiful piano music. It will blow you away.
I am so thankful that I got to meet him. What an amazing and very humble man. I am thankful that he is sharing his beautiful talents with everyone.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: music, Paul Cardall
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Hot Pink Run '10

Posted by Stephanie at 12:21 PM 1 comments
Labels: 5K
Monday, October 4, 2010
General Priesthood Session of Conference
G and B took a road trip to Salt Lake over the weekend so that B could attend his FIRST Priesthood session in the Conference Center. We were able to land 4 tickets, so both Grandpas were able to come. So, here is my Dad, B, G and G's dad. I LOVE this picture! B loved all of the junk food on the trip and time with Dad. He loved being in the Conference center (saying it was HUGE) and hearing the prophet and apostles speak IN PERSON! This will be a fond and cherished memory. They were able to stop by and see some dear friends on the way back to California, too (wink, wink, Krista!). I'm SO glad they had fun and am so thankful they returned safely.
Posted by Stephanie at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Goofing Around
J & T were pretty restless after sitting for General Conference (which was wonderful, by the way!!) They decided to go out front and pal around together. T is very excited to see the leaves on the ground. He was hoping to gather enough to jump in. No such luck. They gathered 'weapons' and played in their secret hideout. It turned out to be a beautiful day. A perfect 76 degrees with a slight breeze.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:14 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Posted by Stephanie at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: soccer
Friday, October 1, 2010
A Note from B
The other morning, this is what awaited me on the kitchen counter. And, yes, it did make it into his lunch! Too funny!
Posted by Stephanie at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Cast #2
Yesterday, T had a follow-up appointment for his broken arm. His eyes were wide with alarm when he saw (and heard!) the saw that was to remove his cast. The tech demonstrated that it couldn't cut him by putting the saw 'blade' right on his own skin. It was really cool. So, his bright, dirty yellow cast was removed. Before we headed over to x-ray, T wanted to wash his arm. Don't blame him! His arm felt really weird to him without the cast. His skin looked pretty good, but I could see a couple of spots of irritation. I wish I thought to bring some neosporin! I got to see his x-ray and saw how his bone is healing properly. He got to pick out another color for this cast. He didn't even hesitate with RED. It kinda looks pink in this picture, but trust me: it's red! He'll have to wear this one for 2 weeks. Then, he'll get a splint for another couple of weeks. What a trooper! Oh, of course we stopped by to see G at the hospital, and got to meet more of his students. Then, T wanted to stop by the "pet store" ... translated to "gift shop"! He was stalling every which way he could before he had to go back to school. Smart kid!
Posted by Stephanie at 8:03 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
Mommy Had a TIME OUT
Me with the girls on Friday night before Time Out for Women began in Sacramento.
Lisa and I got a picture with the singing group Mercy River. They are AMAZING!! I love their harmonies. They were so inspiring and funny, too!
Here is our group after the conference on Saturday afternoon. Some of the girls stayed over night at a hotel. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the conference. I feel so enriched and uplifted by the speakers, the music, and the bonds of friendship. I feel like my own spiritual cup has been filled and I have a renewed outlook. We were able to hear from: Ardeth Kapp, John Bytheway, Emily Watts, Amanda Dickson, Jill Manning and Emily Freeman. The beautiful music was by the singing group Mercy River, and by Jenny Oaks Baker. She is a very, very accomplished violinist. She blew us away. I am so thankful for the opportunity to go. I am thankful for a very supportive husband who holds down the fort while I'm gone. I cannot wait until I can go to the next one. We are already trying to make plans!
Posted by Stephanie at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Friends
Thursday, September 9, 2010
And BRIGHT Yellow it is!!
T had his cast put on early Tuesday morning. He had a 7:40am appointment. He got to choose the color of his cast. I was not surprised when he decided quickly on the bright yellow. This one is waterproof!! I'm so glad it doesn't cover his elbow. Right after he got his cast on, we met G over at the main hospital and had donuts together. When T arrived at school, he was wearing a hoodie, so you couldn't see his cast. His teacher and classmates took guesses on the color. He'll have to wear it for 5-6 weeks. So, the first half of the soccer season is a complete wash.
Posted by Stephanie at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 6, 2010
Yep, It's broken
Posted by Stephanie at 3:35 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
First Day of School
N started ... gasp ... High School today! He is SO ready to be in High School. G dropped him off this morning. He is also really looking forward to seminary, and meeting other kids in the stake that go to his High School.
B is starting 7th grade today. He was up and ready to go this morning. He barely said 'goodbye' before he ran off to to the bus stop!
J & T are holding flowers for their teachers. It's a school tradition for each student to bring the teacher a flower. It then becomes part of a class bouquet symbolizing all of the different students in the class. I trimmed them off of one of our rosebushes this morning. J starts 4th grade and T starts 1st grade. J was especially happy about his new binder and school supplies this year.
Here they are walking side-by-side to school this morning. J was very helpful.
Here's T with his new 1st grade teacher. He was a bit nervous. I walked him into his classroom and it helped him seeing some of his friends. Right before I left, he whispered to me that he was scared. It broke my heart! I know he'll do fine, but it will take some adjusting to being in school all day. He still likes a good nap!
Well, this is the FIRST time that all of my boys will be in school for the full day! Definitely a new phase in my life.
Posted by Stephanie at 10:59 AM 1 comments
Labels: School