Today was N's last day in Primary. He turns 12 on Tuesday. We sang "Happy Birthday" to him AND our "Good-bye" song (we change the words to the "Hello" song, and sometimes G will play it in a minor key--The kids LOVE it!). N hammed it up and pretended to sob when we sang good-bye. He has to wait until after General Conference to be sustained and ordained. It will be a little strange not to see N in sharing time because it's been a family-affair for so long! When I asked N what he liked and will miss about Primary he said (1) the family, (2) sharing time, and (3) the Primary Program After Celebration. He has completed his Faith in God, and will be awarded that certificate after Conference, too. We're so proud of you, N!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
We Have a Primary Graduate!
Posted by Stephanie at 5:50 PM 7 comments
Labels: primary
Thursday, March 27, 2008
4th Grade Science Experiment
B next to his board on display at the school.
B didn't have too hard of a time deciding what to do for his Science Experiment! Anything to do with fire is cool with him. He burned 6 different types of fabric to see which burned the fastest. My only beef with this whole project was that the display board was due 2 days after they returned from Spring Break .. so the timing stunk. Anyway, I think we both are so glad it's done. He really liked having the flames on his display board.
Posted by Stephanie at 2:41 PM 2 comments
Labels: School
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Our Trip to the Beach
We spent a few days up on the coast @ Fort Bragg last week. It was absolutely gorgeous!!! The roads were curvy getting up there, but it was so worth it. We had a great little hotel right near the beach. This beach was awesome because it had lots of pools of water to play in -- perfect for the boys, especially T. We went on a hike around a local lighthouse, then went back to the beach to play that afternoon. We drove down to Fort Ross, the Russian Fort, to finish off our trip. The weather was amazing, and we had a great time together. There was a jacuzzi tub in our main room of our hotel, which the boys loved. J spent an hour or more in it on one of the days. Very relaxing. Despite some winding roads, this was a great trip.
Posted by Stephanie at 5:31 PM 5 comments
Labels: vacation
Sunday, March 23, 2008
That Crazy Easter Bunny!
Still wakin' up!
Posted by Stephanie at 5:49 PM 3 comments
Labels: Easter
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Posted by Stephanie at 4:59 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A Barnyard Party
Posted by Stephanie at 7:59 AM 6 comments
Labels: Party
Monday, March 17, 2008
Stir Crazy
Posted by Stephanie at 4:12 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Me From A to Z
Alright, some more info about me. My sister-in-law tagged me with this list. So here goes:
A--Attached or Single? Attached to my hubby, 15 years 3 months.
B--Best friend? My hubby, G.
C--Cake or Pie? Cake, The ONE thing G’s dad said when G was talking marriage was to make sure that “your wife loves pie” – I hate pie.
D--Day of Choice? Saturday, to spend time with the family without time constraints (usually).
E--Essential Item? Lip balm. I take it everywhere with me.
F--Favorite Color? Blue
G--Gummy bears or worms? Aren’t they pretty much the same? So, both.
H--Hometown? Walnut Creek, CA
I --Indulgence(s)? Chocolate in any form, pedicures
J--January or July? This one’s tough because I don’t like the extreme heat in July, however I like how the boys are on Summer break and it means hanging out and vacation time as a family. So, I’d have to go with July.
K--Kids? 4
L--Life is incomplete without? Family and friends
M--Marriage date? December 30th, 1992
N--Number of siblings? 2 brothers, 2 sisters
O--Oranges or apples? Oranges
P--Phobias or fears? Something happening to one of my kids. I’m pretty claustrophobic, too.
Q--Quotes? I have so many favorites … I honestly have hundreds of quotes I've collected. I'll just pick one: "Nothing is more fundamental to a loving home and a happy child than kindness" -- [Marilyn Choules]
R--Reasons to Smile? Going out on a date, and my boys getting along, talking to a friend.
S--Season? Spring. I love the flowers, blossoms, and the weather warming up a bit. My next would be Fall. I LOVE the cooler air and the changing of the leaves.
T--Tag 5 people? Raimi, Amy, Lisa H., Jamie, Keri D.
U--Unknown Fact? I can be indecisive.
V--Very Favorite Store? WalMart – good deals and kinda a one-stop shop. I know, not too exciting, eh?
W--Worst Habit? Spending a little too much time on the computer
X--X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound
Y--Your favorite food? Mexican
Z--Zodiac? Leo
Posted by Stephanie at 9:21 PM 5 comments
Labels: List
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Happy Birthday, J!!
The big day finally arrived for J. He's been counting down the days until his birthday today. He even made a number line countdown and taped it to his bedroom door. I told him he was getting a HUGE chore list for his birthday -- he didn't like that idea! Wonder why??? We just LOVE our J. He's so considerate and has such a tender heart. He thinks of others all of the time. He's silly and has a quick wit. We love his hugs and his warm smile. Happy 7th Birthday, J!!
We played outside for a while today. We've had such beautiful weather. I'd be a crime not to go outside to enjoy it.
We wrapped up the day @ Leatherby's Ice Cream. J had a rootbeer float. It even came with a lit candle for him in honor of his birthday. We sang to him and he really liked that. We played a couple rounds of UNO when we got home. J is very skilled at UNO and is a force to be reckoned with.
Posted by Stephanie at 8:28 PM 8 comments
Labels: birthday
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Spring is Here
Posted by Stephanie at 8:28 AM 6 comments
Labels: parks
Sunday, March 9, 2008
J's Field Trip to the Library
Posted by Stephanie at 8:18 PM 3 comments
Labels: School
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
An afternoon with B
Posted by Stephanie at 4:05 PM 1 comments
Labels: School
Monday, March 3, 2008
My Stuff
1. Find 5 to 7 things around your house that say something about the person you are and snap a picture of them.
2. Tell us about them.
3. Tag a few people in your post, and in their comments, to do their own pictures of their stuff.
I'm hoping you play along and let me know when you posted YOUR STUFF on your own blog!

Okay, forgive the dust. My room gets a little neglected with the dusting. Anyway, this is one of my shelves stuffed with my books. I've been really enjoying reading these past 4 or 5 years. I think part of the reason is that I CAN stay up a little later than I used to. I used to have an early morning newspaper route that required me to get to sleep at a decent hour. I would literally fall into bed everynight then.
Believe it or not, our elliptical is not being used for a clothes rack. I'm getting back in the habit of exercising more regularly. I've noticed a difference in how I feel, and I'm enjoying that. I've been pushing myself very hard on it for at least 20 minutes a day, and plan on adding more minutes each day. Here's to my health!!
I saw one of these FHE boards at my sister-in-law's home and just loved it. My sister-in-law picked this up for me in Utah, and it's been a fixture in our home since then. I like the rustic nails. Each tag has one of our names on it. We forget to rotate them sometimes, but the bottom line is that we have FHE regularly. I'm proud of that. We look forward to FHE and enjoy the fun and memories. There would seriously be a mutiny from the boys if we didn't have FHE for any reason. They expect it, look forward to it, and I know we all need it.
Okay, that is some of my stuff. What's in your house? Anyone??
Posted by Stephanie at 11:19 AM 3 comments
Labels: List
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Why We Live in CA
Posted by Stephanie at 7:31 AM 1 comments
Labels: parks