Thursday, May 29, 2008
Down for the Count
Posted by Stephanie at 7:10 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Our Family Visits
Grandpa even came with us to the boys' elementary school Open House
Uncle Eric with nephew Simon
Simon, T & Daniel playing
We had a fun weekend visiting with family. Grandpa & G spent a lot of time together going to a Conference, their Home Ward 50th Reunion, and the Jazz Festival. We all got to visit with Eric, Vince & JanEtta, and their boys on Sunday night. We had a delicious dinner together and enjoyed visiting. The boys had a blast playing together. It was so nice to see everyone.
Posted by Stephanie at 10:51 AM 2 comments
Labels: family
Monday, May 26, 2008
Wrappin' up T's Birthday Celebrations

Posted by Stephanie at 9:22 AM 1 comments
Labels: birthday
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Bunko Babes

Tuesday night was my bi-monthly Bunko night. Everything is divided up among the group: 6 of us host once a year, and 6 of us bring small prizes once a year. Anyway, I look forward to it every time. I love these girls, and we enjoy visiting, catching up, and just being together. We had yummy salads, homemade dinner rolls, appetizers, and dessert. I ate way too much because it was so delicious. We share stories, updates, advice, recipes, and most of all ... friendship. I won one of the prizes for having the most mini-bunkos (3 of a kind). I rolled 20 of them! (possibly a group record) Amy brought these way cute huge clothespins for the prizes and I really needed something to hold my recipes when I'm cooking. It's SO cool. Several of us stayed for another hour to visit after the prizes were handed out. Thanks for hosting, Raimi!
Posted by Stephanie at 2:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: girlfriends
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Happy Birthday, T!!
Posted by Stephanie at 8:40 AM 3 comments
Labels: birthday
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
N's Open House
Posted by Stephanie at 12:21 PM 1 comments
Labels: School
Monday, May 19, 2008
Superman Returns!
Posted by Stephanie at 11:54 AM 3 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
It's HOT!
Posted by Stephanie at 7:03 PM 4 comments
Labels: pool
Thursday, May 15, 2008
To the ZOO!
T & I went to the zoo with his preschool today. It was really fun, and we could go at our own pace. He seemed to attach himself to another family! Luckily, they were very nice about it. T was most happy to see the zebras and giraffes today. We spent about 2 hours at the zoo and really enjoyed ourselves. It was pretty hot today, but I'm still glad we went. T ran from one thing to the next. He just loved seeing the animals. He wanted to crawl in and touch the huge turtle. It was quite cute!! We'll definitely have to come back with all of the boys this summer.
Posted by Stephanie at 1:10 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
N's 'Green' Poem
Posted by Stephanie at 5:07 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Posted by Stephanie at 12:39 PM 3 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The Best Mom Ever
Posted by Stephanie at 8:33 PM 6 comments
Happy Mother's Day

Posted by Stephanie at 8:13 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Posted by Stephanie at 9:10 PM 1 comments
Labels: temple
Friday, May 9, 2008
Pennies from Heaven
As T & I were getting our receipt checked at the exit of Sam's Club today, we noticed a penny on the ground, under a shopping cart the worker was leaning on. I mentioned it, and T easily crawled under the cart and picked it up. Instead of immediately putting it into his pocket, he started to hand it to the Sam's Club worker. He was so surprised that a child would not claim it as his own, but rather give it to it's "rightful" owner. I was proud, too. The worker told T he could keep it and T just smiled and jumped in delight. Then he carefully slipped it into his pocket to bring home. I was reminded of T's sweet spirit and awareness of others, and I got a little taste of Heaven today with his act of kindness.
Posted by Stephanie at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Share Bucket
Last night, when T & I were talking about preschool, I asked him what he wanted to bring for the "Share Bucket" (He gets to bring an item for a 'show-and-tell' every day). Without hesitation, he said, "B!", as in his big brother. He was serious. I gave him a few other suggestions and then we went onto doing other things. Then, this morning, I asked him again about what he wanted to bring for the Share Bucket, and he said, "B!" , as in "I ALREADY told you what I'm bringing!!" It was a good thing that B had already left for school by then. There might have been a fight on my hands!
Posted by Stephanie at 10:07 AM 4 comments
Labels: preschool
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Have You Ever ...
Have you ever looked in the mirror at the END of your day and wondered, "How long has THAT been in my teeth?" or "How long has my fly been open?!" "Why didn't anyone say something!!??" Well, as I was brushing my teeth and washing my face the other night, I noticed that I only had eye make-up on ONE eye! I kept doing a double-take in the mirror trying to figure out how I managed this one. How weird is that? I must have been very distracted that morning! I just have to laugh at myself. Anyone have a similar story to share???
Posted by Stephanie at 4:27 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Yummy FHE
We took the family over to Dairy Queen for Blizzards. Ohh, they were SO good! We sat outside & ate our Blizzards. It was such a beautiful evening. When we got back home, we finished off FHE with our scriptures, a song, and our family prayer. It was very simple, but yummy.
Posted by Stephanie at 2:25 PM 5 comments
Labels: FHE
Monday, May 5, 2008
Explain This!
In case it's a little hard to tell, I'll clarify: that's a FOOTPRINT on the top of my piano! Definitely not a large one by any means. Probably from a small child ... say 3 or 4 years old. When questioned, it was denied. My mom used to always say: "When I find "Not Me", he's in DEEP trouble!!" Anyway, talk about some indisputable, hard evidence! What was he doing up there anyway??? ... oh, and the fact that there is a pile of dust on my piano hasn't slipped past me either!
Posted by Stephanie at 3:20 PM 9 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Simple Pleasures
I went outside to find the boys to call them in for dinner. I found them just sitting on the banister, out on the porch, just chatting and playing with the leaves. I just stood there for a minute to observe. They were in their own little world, enjoying one another. This was one of the really great 'moment's in time', or as my Mom says, they were 'making memories.'
Posted by Stephanie at 7:10 PM 2 comments
Labels: Brothers
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Up it goes!
One of the sides going up
Umm ... I need the ladder!
B & J checking the water level & having a little too much fun with the hose!
We've been talking for a while about when we would get our pool set up in the backyard. What got us moving quickly is the fact that our city will soon be imposing water limits. So, we'd have to pay more $$ to fill up our pool if we waited. This year, our pool is about 6 to 10 inches deeper. Though an in-ground pool would be very nice, we're grateful for a place to cool off in the hot summers. Well worth the $$.
We had SUCH a busy day. We worked a lot around the house and yard. Lots of check marks on the chore chart. Mom likes that!! G did lots of shopping. He took N out this morning, and then B out later in the day. T & I squeezed in a small nap together after reading a few books. Then we went on a short bike ride to the park. Didn't last too long because J developed a nasty blister, and he wanted to go back home. Can't say I blame him. The blister was pretty bad. He had been working SO hard to complete the 'monkey bars' and it just shredded his palms.
After showers and baths for the boys, we piled onto our blankets and pillows to watch a movie together. We enjoyed yummy brownies, too. We're worn out, but happy.
Posted by Stephanie at 8:39 PM 4 comments
Labels: pool