My friend Raimi tagged me!
Where did you meet your husband? We met in early morning seminary. I was a Freshman, G was a sophomore.
What was the first thing you said to him? I have no clue, maybe HI!
Where was your first date? We went with a group of friends to a movie around the time we first met, but our first “official” date was to a comedy club called Frubars. It was so much fun. I JUST turned 16 and G wanted to be the first guy to officially take me out. This came after not talking to one another for almost a year and a half. He came by my house the day before my 16th birthday and we reconnected, more as friends.
Where was your first kiss? Right outside of my typing class at school.
How long did you date? Well, our first go-around was about 2 or 3 months – can’t remember exactly. Became friends again later, then hung out with him a lot @ BYU. Sometimes we’d go on double dates where I’d have a date, and he’d have a date. Usually afterwards, we’d talk about the night etc. I wrote him throughout his entire mission. About half-way through his mission, I was clunked on the head with the realization that I really liked G. Man, was he patient with me!
Did you have a long or short engagement? About 7 months. We got engaged at the beginning of July, not too long after he got home from his mission. We thought a spring wedding would be great. Luckily, my Mom was much wiser and reserved the church in December during our school break! Thanks, Mom!
Where did you get engaged? Okay, not too romantic, but we had just gone on a nice drive. We parked the car on the side of the road on top of a hill looking over the valley where we grew up, and he just asked me. Regardless, it was still special.
Where were you married? The Oakland Temple.
How did the reception go? It went pretty good, but we had to stand in our receiving line way TOO long. I was starving! We actually went through the Burger King drive-thru before we got to our Hotel. There was a HUGE turnout, since we were both from the same area, and many people were home for the holidays. Can’t complain!
Where did you honeymoon? We didn't take a honeymoon right away... but we did open a bottle of Martinelli's that first night together -- the exact same bottle I gave G when he graduated from HS. He saved it! We got married at the end of December and had to get right back to school. So, we joke that our Honeymoon was spent in a white-out snowstorm in a motel in Wendover. We did, however, get to have a belated Honeymoon when we spent almost a week down at Bryce Canyon, Utah. That was a lot of fun.
**This is easy to do! I can't wait to read your answers. I am tagging everyone! Have fun! (Lisa P.: this could be your first blog! C’mon …)