Last night was J's first pack meeting as a Cub Scout. He loved being a part of the meeting. He's the one standing next to his den leader.B 'officially' bridged to Boy Scouts last night. He received his Arrow of Light. His Webelos den leader made these AWESOME arrows for the boys who received this award. He also got his Athlete Pin.
These young men performed a very interesting and amazing Arrow of Light ceremony for the boys. We loved the costumes. They did a great job.
B & N are gone on a camp out tonight. It's B's first Boy Scout camp out, and it's the first time that N was really excited to go! It's a little quieter around the house this evening. We made crepes with Nutella for J & T -- their FAVORITE =)
2016 Here I Come!
9 years ago
Congratulations B and J! And enjoy the quiet around the house---it is always nice to have a respite!
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