I suppose I should get around to posting about our Easter morning! With much speculation and anticipation, the boys were anxious to see what that crazy Easter Bunny was going to do Easter morning. Years past, there have been trails of spoons, shoes & canned food to various locations in the house. J woke up at "O-dark-thirty" because he was so excited. We just had him get in bed with us. It was too early to wake up his brothers. N woke up next. By 8 o'clock, T woke up. We waited a little bit longer before we woke up B -- he's NOT a morning person, and sometimes it's a high-price to pay if he's woken up too early. So, G went in and gently woke up B and reminded him that the Easter Bunny came and that his brothers were patiently waiting.
N really is excited. You just can't tell here. It's still early!
Then, G made Swedish pancakes. We have a special cast iron pan for these, too. They are flat, unlike the round Danish pancakes we have (Ebleskivers). They were yummy. We've had these for the past few Easter mornings, so it's the start of a new tradition. We like to eat them with jam, powdered sugar, or nutella.
What a silly bunny! Looks like the boys enjoyed the trail to the sweet stuff!
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