G with my dad, Boppi (as the grandkids affectionatetly call him) working on the shed. It's great when Boppi can share his knowledge and know-how on projects like this. He knows great short cuts and proper ways to do things.

T was a great helper when Boppi was sawing some siding for the shed. Love how they are already painted and that they match the color of our house.

Wow, look at that concentration!
G on top of the ALMOST completed storage shed at the side of our house. While my parents were visiting a few weeks ago, Boppi helped G progress immensely on the storage shed that G started. The shingles are almost done and next comes the door.
YAY for Boppi's who are handy & who are willing to help out! Your shed is looking great!
haha sweet.. you guys were'nt lying when you said that you were totally looking forward to having his help. haha.
I always have a "Boppi Do List" for when he's in town. =) Love you dad!
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