Okay, this is a little long, but I just wanted to give mention to all my boys and what's been happenin' around here these past couple of days.

This morning, G&I, with T in tow, went down to the elementary school for the morning assembly because J's teacher told us that J was going to receive an award. He was 1 of 3 students that received the "Character Counts" award. This is what his teacher said about him: This student walks into the class with a smile on his face and ready to learn. He makes good choices throughout the day. He follows directions and always tries his best to complete his work correctly. He is very helpful to others. I am very proud of J" We are too! Way to go J!!
Shortly after the assembly, T & I walked back home to put away J's certificate and then were on our way for his preschool field trip to the annual safety fair. We rode over with our good friends Raimi, Garrett & Brody.

This is the ONLY time we want to see him in the back of a patrol car!!!

I added this picture so I could tell you something kind of funny that happened. T and I BOTH were having fun with the bubbles. We were swinging the bubble wands high and fast. Our bubbles were mixing and sailing away. One particular bubble, a pretty big one I might add, landed with a big plop right on top of this lady's camera as she was aiming it to take a picture. I felt so bad! I'm not sure if she knew it was one of us, but she didn't say anything.

Last night at pack meeting, B received his Scientist and Outdoorsman pins. We are so proud of his accomplishments in Cub Scouts. B also came home with an
outstanding progress report today. He is great about getting his homework done -- which is always appreciated. He is really enjoying 5th grade and he has a great teacher.

N has always had a big heart! Throughout this school year and most of last, he has mentioned this particular boy at school who drives him nuts. Apparently, this boy bothers a lot of people. He has said some mean things to N, and even pushed him to the ground during PE class this year. Well, last night he told us that many kids were throwing rocks at this particular boy at school. N said that he vacillated in his mind about what he should do. Then he yelled at the kids throwing the rocks and told them to stop. He picked up stray rocks and tossed them away, over the construction site fence (some of the school is still under construction). I have to admit that I was a little surprised that he did this because N is NOT one for confrontation. He said that he just KNEW what he had to do. We are very proud of him. It would have been easy to justify what he saw, maybe even feeling a tinge of revenge ... but he didn't. We just love him and are grateful for his example.
Congratulations to ALL your boys!!! They are great kids with great parents. Keep up the good work.
What fun! I love hearing about each one of the boys and what they are up to.
Let's hope that it IS the only time you see T in the back of a patrol car. If not, you will have a great "Before" and "After" picture. hehehe.
Congrats to all for all their accomplishments. Good job, Mom! They wouldn't be there without you!
First off it is NOT the only time you will see him in a patrol car. Because when you come out here again i will make sure he gets to sit, and possibly ride in my dads. haha
N! you are my freakin hero!!!!! I could NEVER do that! I'm sadly enough not that cool. So, i will look up to you in case i am ever in a situation like that.
You have had a busy week! We love your boys! They are great kids! Thanks for sharing your update! See ya in the morning!
Thanks for the great up-date. The boys are doing great! I'm used to my kids in the backseat of a patrol car....but if I ever don't know the officer, I will worry! :)
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