It's Election Day and I'm nervous! It's been a tense atmosphere out here in CA, and I'll be glad when this day is over. I just found out that two members of our stake were seriously hurt last night while they were waving 'YES on 8' signs at a busy intersection. They both were hit by a truck. I don't know if it was deliberate, but the way things are right now, it's not a stretch to think that it was on purpose. The gentleman has internal injuries and both legs are broken. Prop 8 has been so heated because it strikes at the core. I want marriage to mean something! Lots of "8"signs have been vandalized and stolen on a regular basis, whereas other political signs go untouched. My friend was tired of it so she slathered tons of shortening all over her sign to deter thieves. I think it worked because her sign has not been stolen! Despite the contention on this particular issue, I am SO thankful to live in a country where we can have a voice. Obviously we don't all agree, but we all can say what we think. I'm going as soon as T goes to preschool to vote. I strongly feel that if you don't vote, than you really don't have a right to complain about what's going on in government. Speak up. Do your part. Get out and VOTE!

Shouldn't this be protected?
I took the kids with me to vote this afternoon and let C help me vote by pressing boxes for me. I'm anxious, too, to hear how things go in CA today.
heck yes it should be!!!!!
I sure hope that the accident wasn't on purpose that would not be good.
love your cute wedding picture! My fingers are crossed that our YES on 8 passes!
I love you guys, and I do think that your marriage should be cherished. But why should the government have the right to tell you who you can love and share your life with? What if you were forbidden from marrying Gerald? You would be devastated.
ohhhh ... Keri and I think this is great!
YES!!! it should be!!! ( this is C)
and i'm happy that prop 8 won!!! yippie!!!
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