I've been going through LOTS of pictures lately because I've been putting together a slide show for the primary kids in our ward. Sunday is our Primary Program. After the program, we are having our Primary Celebration with the kids. Many call us crazy, but it's fun and I think everyone appreciates a little break from routine. We excuse all of the teachers (they SO need a break!), and we have the entire primary together for snacks, lesson, singing, games etc. I'm surprising them with a slide show, too. I've gathered pictures from many of the parents and I've taken lots of pictures at our Primary activities. So, I've been really busy with getting things done for Sunday. Not a lot of time to concentrate on other things right now.
What fun pictures of all the boys! But, where's a picture of you?
I'm not in many pictures because I'M the one TAKING most of the pictures! Kinda a problem ...
thanks for putting the slideshow together. What a great idea!
I would love to see this slide show. Save it for next time I come to visit.
You have the CUTEST family!! I sure appreciate all the hard work you do for the Primary. You make it so special for the kids :)
way too cute!
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