T & I went on quite a bike ride this morning. I have to admit that I wasn't jumping at the chance to go, however, once I decided that we
should go I was enjoying myself. I've kind of been in a bit of a funk lately, and it would have been real easy to just slump around the house, but this bike ride felt great. The weather is gorgeous out here, and T can really get going on his bike ... so we were able to go quite far. We got to see B at recess at the school. We rode around the park & field adjacent to the school and wound around the neighborhood. When possible, I asked T which way he wanted to go. Then, we rode around in circles on our street until I got too dizzy. T was asking last night about doing a bike ride, and I'm so glad we did. It was fun, and I needed to get out. Now, back to playing Legos together. He's been following me around with Legos for the past couple of weeks. He built a house and wants to play every second, hence a huge pile of neglected clean laundry among other things.
I bet you made T's day! Sounds like a great outing!
Good for you. Sounds like an enjoyable morning and hey at least the laundry is CLEAN! Just open those drawers ;)
yeah! a bike ride!
That's Great! I agree! Grandpa
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