During the 2 hours between General Conference Sessions on Sunday, they boys built "Fluffy Hotel" in the corner of our living room. Yes, Tammy, we still have the green couch!! They kept themselves very entertained. I had to lie down for a while because a horrible headache set in. The boys were SO good, and I really appreciated it. Later, we got out a couple of bowls to put cornstarch & water in. They LOVE playing with cornstarch. It's quite fascinating actually. B played with it at preschool when he was 4 and has always remembered it. We also filled a water bottle with part water and part oil for them to play with. Easy, cheap stuff to do.
T came home from preschool yesterday with this pig snout. Too cute!

B has been working on a report on the spice Saffron. All of the work has been done in class. He just brought in the poster board and the actual spice to show what it really looks like. Many people aren't familiar with saffron, but we use it whenever we make risotto, a family favorite. We're fortunate enough to get it at quite a deal because my parents are able to get it in the Middle East. Last night, B & I made up a small batch of risotto together. I re-heated it this morning, and walked it over to B's class (while T was on his bike). They had a big 'tasting' party. Every student brought in something made with their spice. It was quite the spread.

N took this picture from the car in Nevada on their way back home. I think this is a GREAT picture. I love the composition of it. N was sad to get back from his adventure with Dad, and back to the real world. I can't say I blame him.
Great photo N! I always love to see what my boys have taken photos of.
T looks so cute in the pig nose. Christi & Jenn sure do create fun crafts with our kiddos.
Have a great weekend!
N! You should totally be a photographer! when you come out next, I might actually let you "play" with my new camera! :)
Random forts are fun.. T looks way too cute with a pigs nose, but even cuter without it.. and have you tried the oil/water and food coloring activity? just do the normal oil on water thing, but drop a couple of drops of food coloring in it and when it finally gets out the oil, you can watch it do some pretty cool things in the water. haha. sweet!
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