Friday, August 31, 2007
Raingutter Regatta
Posted by Stephanie at 1:18 PM 0 comments
T's First Day at his 2nd Preschool
Posted by Stephanie at 1:10 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007

Posted by Stephanie at 11:27 AM 2 comments
Labels: School
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Whoa! What a Week!
Even though we have chores to do on Saturdays, I'm sure glad it's the weekend. It has been very hectic this week and last. We got through 3 different "Back to School" nights, on top of homework, soccer practices, piano lessons, and cub scouts. Whew! It's been a big adjustment for all of us. I had been so spoiled up until now because my boys rode their bikes to the elementary school 2 blocks away. I drive N to Middle School in the mornings, but luckily he gets a ride home from our neighbor. (I LOVE carpools!) B&J ride their bikes together to the elementary school, which works out nice. J, especially, likes the independence.
With all of this craziness in the afternoons, I don't have much time to prepare dinners. Am I alone in this??!! We had breakfast for dinner one night, pizza another night and so on ... you get the idea. I just bought a book that has over 200 slow cooker recipes to help me out. I have a little time in the mornings, but once the boys are home from school ... well, that's a completely different story. Any good ideas? Easy QUICK recipes? I'm always on the hunt. I have some quick meals, but I'd like to get a few more in our rotation! I need to go dust off my slow-cooker, and try some new meals this week.
Posted by Stephanie at 11:59 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Random Things
The boys are adjusting to school. It's been a little more hectic because of soccer starting up at the same time. B & J are enjoying the sport and being with their friends. J has the same coach as last year and he just loves his coach. Toss in piano lessons, cub scouts, boy scouts and you have quite a hectic household. We're busy, but happy.
Posted by Stephanie at 3:43 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Just Like My Brothers
Posted by Stephanie at 5:59 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 17, 2007
Catching our Breath
As soon as his brothers left for school on Tuesday, T started right into his mischievous ways. I could hear the water running in the bathroom, and I told him several times to turn off the water. As soon as he heard me approaching, he became very upset and told me to "Go Away!" Then I KNEW there would be trouble, and I was right! He had plugged up the bathroom sink, filled it up with water, and was using his thumb to plug up the overflow hole! I came just in time to quell an impending flood! I snapped this picture of him and his disappointment is evident. He has kept me incredibly busy while his 3 big brothers are gone away at school. He is just so busy.
Two nights ago, J was complaining that bedtime was too early at 8 o'clock. The boys were all in bed just a few minutes after 8 and I tell you what! They were zonked out by 8:10, drooling!
So, yeah, we're all adjusting ... even Mom. I have been so busy with T, or getting the others to & fro that my laundry pile is now taller than Mt. Everest. G was looking for some socks and I told him "Happy Digging!" Hey, at least they are CLEAN.
I'm trying squeeze in some time to read my book, "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer. It's very good! I've been enjoying this series.
Posted by Stephanie at 2:03 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
School Begins ...
Posted by Stephanie at 2:17 PM 1 comments
Labels: School
Monday, August 13, 2007
Lego Heaven!!
Posted by Stephanie at 8:24 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Beach
What a FUN, FUN day! We spent a few hours @ a beach in Marin County. It was overcast for most of the time, but the sun peaked out for the last chunk of time. The boys didn't care, though. There were waves to jump, sand to dig in, and castles to build. Dad even took the 3 older boys for a small hike over rocks to see some tide pools full of star fish, sea anemones, & sea cucumbers! We dug some pretty deep holes in the sand to stand in. It was so fun to see the boys laughing in the waves and jumping each one. A few waves cracked over them and splashed them senseless! They got soaked, but didn't care. They got along great together and it was a parents' delight. We brought clothes to change into, and warmed up in the car. We hit really bad traffic on the way back. It was still worth the trip. This was a great way to wrap up our summer vacation -- together as a family.
Posted by Stephanie at 12:52 PM 2 comments
Labels: vacation
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Middle School Already?
Posted by Stephanie at 7:47 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Cement Slides
J ready to launch!
Posted by Stephanie at 1:14 PM 4 comments
Labels: slides
Monday, August 6, 2007
Did You Say Ice Cream?
Posted by Stephanie at 7:51 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Birthday Wishes
What a day! I was pleasantly woken up this morning by T climbing into bed with me, and it was at a decent hour! He was full of cuddles and kisses. I had it really good compared to B's wake-up call!! T decided that B was a great canvas and being the opportunist he is, picked up a Crayola marker nearby and started to scribble all over B! We had to really scrub his face. It looked like he had some Egyptian eye makeup on one eye. He wasn't too happy, but he did have a good sense of humor about it. I preferred the cuddles to the marker. Plus 1 for me!
Later in the afternoon, J exclaimed that "there's a Birthday Present on the loose!" and he gave me the biggest hug and sweetest kiss ever. How cute is that?! Melted my heart.
I am so appreciative of my family and friends. I feel so blessed. Thank you for the birthday wishes today. It has been a great day.
Posted by Stephanie at 9:56 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Posted by Stephanie at 12:39 PM 1 comments