Monday, June 30, 2008
Raspberry Pickin' FHE
We had a great adventure for FHE tonight. The boys decided that they wanted to have dinner at Daddy's work. So we did and ate out on the patio. I love the picture of B sitting in the chair all crazy. He doesn't like to sit normal in any chair. After dinner, we walked on a trail nearby with a couple of bowls in hand to pick from the abundance of raspberries. They were SO good! G was able to get the most because he wasn't wearing Tevas like the rest of us. There were a lot of thorns. Still worth it. Right off of the trail, there was a Maidu Pounding Stone to see. So cool! Then we quickly dropped by Barnes & Noble to get a reading log for the boys, to encourage summer reading. I got the idea from my friend, Raimi. After reading any 8 books, we can bring back the completed reading log and receive a free book. Love the idea.
Posted by Stephanie at 8:54 PM 2 comments
Labels: FHE
Sunday, June 29, 2008
N's Home!
... he's under all that dirt ... somewhere! I'm just enjoying the smile ...
Yuck!! I hosed off his shoes and threw away his socks ... a lost cause.
We sure missed N while he was gone to Scout Camp. He had a fun, successful, and a dirty time. He dropped his gear and his clothes and went right up to the shower. He completed 3 merit badges (environmental science, sculpture & painting) and got work started on 3 others. He didn't finish the swimming merit badge because the water was way too cold for him! We'll help him finish this and the other merit badges as soon as we can. I'm so glad that he had a great time. The assistant Scout Master was there the entire week with the boys and that was a comfort to me.
N gave his first talk in Sacrament meeting today. He was nervous, but he did great. He said that the chapel looks way bigger from the pulpit! We all know, huh!?!
Posted by Stephanie at 6:22 PM 4 comments
Labels: scouts
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Yes, More Water!
Then the bonus of the afternoon: T fell asleep after we read some books, so I took a nice afternoon nap, too. The other two boys were very content to have a little alone time, too. B working on a Lego creation, and J played the Wii by himself.
We topped the evening off with our weekly movie night. We watched the first episode of Star Wars, and had no-bake cookies. This is absolutely one of our favorite desserts and it's so easy to make. I love how I don't have to turn on my oven to make these. I'll share the recipe, even though I think most of my friends already have it. I got this recipe from a college roommate back @ BYU.
No Bake Cookies
1 cup sugar
½ cup milk
Bring to a rolling boil. Boil for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat and add:
3/4 cup chocolate chips
2 ½ cups oatmeal
Drop by spoonfuls onto cookie sheets. Let cool.
(I use one of my large melon-scoops to do this. It works great!)
Okay: one more thing! N comes home from Scout Camp this afternoon. Yeah!! We've really missed him. T has continually asked, "Where's Fanul?" That's what he calls N. I'm sure he's going to be exhausted and dirty when he comes home. I've got the washing machine ready!!
Posted by Stephanie at 9:45 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
More Swimming and More Playdates
J and his friend had a blast together today. The time really did fly by. We had popcorn, juice boxes and cookies. No complaints there!
B & his friend filled up a bunch of water balloons to play around with. They had almost as much fun filling them up as they did playing with them. The balloons are fun to put into the pool because they just float around under the surface of the water. You can toss them around the pool and the don't pop. But, yes, they did have fun tossing them at each other. Isn't summer great??!
Posted by Stephanie at 7:31 PM 1 comments
Labels: Friends, Swim lessons
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Racetracks, crayons, & wrestling ....
The best view in the house of the track
T had one of his best friends over for a play date this morning. We set up the race track where we shoot cars down the track from our landing. We add pillows under the track towards the bottom so that the track slants back up and the cars 'take-air' near the finish line. It's fun to see the cars fly at the end! When my friends came over, we couldn't open the front door because of the pile of cars. I have to admit that I like to do this almost as much as the boys do. Two other friends were over today, too, for B & J. Legos were scattered upstairs, there were wrestling matches, and we dusted off the crayons to draw different kinds of bugs. Yes, I even let B & his friend play the Wii for a bit. I hesitate with the video games sometimes if someone is being excluded or they are not interacting with each other. Otherwise, what's the point of a play date?! We didn't really play outside today and it's not because of it being too hot. Actually, the temperatures have been pleasant, but the air is still choked with smoke from all of the wildfires out here in CA. It's awful. They did play on the swing-set for about 15 - 20 minutes, but that was it. Then, by the time that my friend came to pick up her son, I told her to "climb in"! I guess after roughly 3 hours of manic playing that's what happens. The boys had a great time, but do you know what J asked me the second their friends left? "Can my friend 'so-n-so' come over?"
Posted by Stephanie at 5:20 PM 2 comments
Labels: Friends
Monday, June 23, 2008
Scout Camp ... Here I Come!
Yesterday, we got N's pack ready for Scout Camp. He left at "O-dark-thirty" this morning, as my Mom would say. The boys had to be at one of the leader's home @ 3:55 AM. Yes, you read that right: AM!! G & I got up with him and G drove him over to the meeting place. B came downstairs and gave N a HUGE hug. It was so sweet. The troop had about a 2 hour drive and then a mile and a half hike into camp. Luckily, their sleeping bags, bed rolls and tents etc. would be brought into camp via boat, but the boys would have to carry in their packs. Camp activities begin around 8:30 AM today. N was very emotional about going. He was excited, yes, but already a little homesick. I don't blame him. He hasn't been away from home for more than 2 days. He will be a tent-mate to one of his closest friends, and that should be a blast. He'll be back on Saturday. We know he'll have fun and that he's in good hands. It's just hard to believe that he's old enough to go away to Scout Camp!!
Posted by Stephanie at 10:30 AM 6 comments
Labels: scouts
Saturday, June 21, 2008

It's HOT today. We all cooled off in our pool and it felt great.

Posted by Stephanie at 2:43 PM 2 comments
Labels: Swimming
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Swimmer's Hair
J has been living in his swimming suit this whole week. He has swim lessons in the morning, and then we usually get in our pool at least once during the day. I LOVE how his hair stands on end after it dries from rubbing it with his beach towel. It makes me giggle. I had to get a picture of his 'do'. He looked a little surprised at this picture because I don't think he had any idea his hair was doing this!
Posted by Stephanie at 8:07 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Twilight Camp
Yesterday, B & I attended Cub Scout Twilight Camp. I was stationed at our Troop's Table for the craft, a journal that the boys had to bind. B went around with his Webelos group to various stations throughout the evening. He later told me that he didn't get to do any hands-on things and was pretty bored, and it was pretty hot. We're hoping that he has a better time tonight, Thursday & Friday. He didn't like coming home empty-handed. The past two years he's come home each night with something he's made, and just loved it. I think that the Webelos do a lot of the more fun stuff on Saturday morning when it's only the Webelos left at camp. We'll see!!
Posted by Stephanie at 11:03 AM 2 comments
Labels: scouts
Monday, June 16, 2008
1st Day of Swim Lessons

Posted by Stephanie at 12:54 PM 2 comments
Labels: Swim lessons
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
The boys gave G a hat and T-shirt today for Father's Day. They both say "World's Greatest Dad." Also, we hid a bag of Reese's Pieces in the living room for him to find this morning. It was difficult for T to not show G where to find the loot! The concept of a secret is still beyond him at this point. The boys have written G some heart-felt notes today, and J also gave him a little booklet he made at school with many kind and neat things said about G. The booklet looked like a men's shirt and tie. So cute!! I am so grateful for G. He is an awesome Dad to our 4 boys and they look up to him. He's a great example and a wonderful leader & role model our family. He spends quality time with each of our boys. They love to wrestle with G and love to get tickled,too. They look forward to and LOVE their set "Daddy Day". G will take each boy out, usually on a Saturday morning of afternoon, and do some type of activity with them of their choosing (within reason, of course). They've done hikes, movies, lunch, ice cream to name a few. G, I love you very much and couldn't have asked for a better husband, and father to our boys!!! Happy Father's Day!!!
Posted by Stephanie at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
11 Things You Would Never Hear Me Say
No, child, you didn’t use ENOUGH toilet paper. I need to see a pile of t.p. floating in the water.
No, of course not. Why would I expect you to get up and throw that garbage away when you could just conveniently stuff it down the side of the couch.
I think pedicures are a waste of time and money. And massages are overrated.
Chocolate? Nah, I'll pass.
No, I don’t mind answering the same question again since your brother just asked that exact thing in those exact words.
If you whine I promise you will get out of being in trouble.
No, I’m not pregnant, but I’m so pleased you thought I was.
Of course your 2-year-old and 28 of his best friends are welcome to have the birthday party in my living room. Be sure to give them chocolate ice cream and red punch.
Go on, keep fighting with your brother–it’s music to my ears!
Of course I did all the laundry and put it away today. Who takes more than one day? Or worse, who never puts the laundry away but instead just dresses their children out of the laundry pile in the hallway? Certainly not me.
No, please park as close as you can to my car. Ding up the doors while you’re at it. But leave me a can-opener so that I can squeeze back into my car! (This happened to me TODAY. Luckily, I didn't see any dings, but it was a VERY tight squeeze)
What is on your list of things you'd never say??! I have more ... maybe I'll share them later.
Posted by Stephanie at 12:31 PM 2 comments
Labels: List
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A Surprise Lunchdate & Trip to Library

Posted by Stephanie at 5:15 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
All About Me
I lifted this off of my friend Raimi’s blog. I enjoyed reading her answers so I thought I would do my own. Kind of fun!
*of course my boys - they make me proud - most days!
*A husband who likes to cook – and does it well. Also, he often brings me flowers “just for because” – Yes, I’m a lucky girl.
*Taking a nap, especially after church – love that!
*losing a loved one
*letting someone, whom I am close to, down
*the price of gas going higher – we’ve already modified our summer plans due to the high price of gas
* to raise happy, productive, respectful, and independent boys
* to exercise regularly
* to finish my degree … I’m SO close!
*Being on time
*A clean floor. I hate having to watch my step AND I can’t stand it when my feet are dirty. A clean floor is a huge step to a clean house, right?
* This blog!
* I hate lipstick. Lipgloss -- ok. I think I’m too addicted to lip balm. So lipstick would just get in the way.
*After I learn someone’s birthday, I can usually recall it @ 99% of the time. That includes all of the primary children. Crazy, huh!? I’m the one to remind G to call a family member on his side of the family for their birthday.
*I can be quite a home-body. But once I’m out and about, I’m happy too.
*the middle school
*Sam’s Club
*The gals in the Primary Presidency with me
*Mom & Dad
*Costa Vida
*Claim Jumper (LOVE the Citrus Chicken Salad sans blue cheese)
*In and Out
*Getting a massage and pedicure
*Traveling all over Europe with unlimited cash and free babysitting
*Visiting Washington D.C. – I’ve always wanted to see the Smithsonian and all of the history in and around D.C. One day!!
*Lake Tahoe relaxing with family and friends (Wanna go again this summer, Raimi?!)
*my kids
*My hubby
*Raimi - I will miss our preschool chats, too! But the summer will probably just FLY by!
*The Soup
*Survivor (I'll watch a new season, but not re-runs. I just really enjoy this show)
*The Bourne Series
*The Lord of the Ring Series
*Harry Potter
*The original 3 Star Wars movies (my boys LOVE these and it's fun to watch them watching the movies!)
Now it's your turn! Have fun!!
Posted by Stephanie at 5:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: List
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Piano Recital
Posted by Stephanie at 11:08 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Rest of B's Birthday Celebrations ...
B requested deep fried corn tacos for his birthday dinner. He was excited to use the birthday plate, too.
Here, B is blowing out all of the miss-matched candles on the cookie pizza. We only had 7 regular candles. We used a broken number candle (still have no idea what # it was originally) and 2 tea light candles. No complaints from B. He was just happy to get his favorite dessert. It's a really easy recipe.
B with his birthday loot. Can't go wrong with LEGO's with him. He said his birthday was great even though he had to go to school.
Our birthday marathon is over for now. The boys have birthdays in March, April, May & June. Fhew!! We can take a breather. I do admit that it is very nice for each of us to have a special day to ourselves to shine, where we are shown love and appreciation. B went to bed with a huge smile on his face. Love that!
Here's my recipe:
Candy Shop Pizza
Chocolate chip cookie dough
Chocolate chips
Peanut butter
2 –4 assorted candy bars
Press or spread cookie dough evenly onto greased 12 to 15 inch pizza pan. Bake according to dough recipe. Bake until edges are set and center is still slightly soft. Immediately sprinkle chocolate chips over hot crust; drop peanut butter by spoonfuls onto crust. Let stand for 5 minutes or until morsels become shiny and soft. Gently spread chocolate and peanut butter evenly over crust. Sprinkle chopped-up candy bar pieces in single layer over cookie pizza. Cut into wedges. Serve.
Posted by Stephanie at 3:12 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Girlfriends' Retreat @ Tahoe
I had the wonderful opportunity to spend the weekend at beautiful Lake Tahoe with my dear friends. I drove two friends up with me on Friday morning to Tahoe. That drive went by SO fast because we just talked and talked. The accommodations were amazing. I had my own master suite to myself. Everyone had their own room and bathroom for at least 1 of the nights. We wandered the Northstar village, went to dinner together, and chatted the night away on the first night. It was so wonderful to be able to not be on a schedule. I woke up when I wanted the next morning and just took my time. We all went on what we thought would be a mile and a half hike, but we started on the wrong trail, and then went back to the correct trail and then missed the switchback to the summit. So, we figured that we hiked around 7 or 8 miles. But, when we did make it to the summit, it was gorgeous!!! We relaxed in the hot tub, rode the stinky gondola due to all of the sweaty mountain bikers, roasted marshmallows at the fire pits, watched a chick-flick, and laughed & laughed & laughed. I am so lucky to have such great friends. Thanks SO much, Kristin, for organizing this and for the use of your condos. I am so blessed with a wonderful husband who supported me on this weekend. The boys went to the school carnival, camped in the backyard on Friday after a movie, went to church w/o me while picking up two other boys for church, and managed to get some chores done on Saturday, too. When I arrived home Sunday night, G was busy making cookies for B to take to school for his birthday Monday. How awesome is that?!!! Thanks, G!!!
Posted by Stephanie at 9:05 AM 4 comments
Labels: girlfriends