Wednesday, July 30, 2008
N's First Swim Meet
N has really enjoyed his pre-competitive swim team this summer. Even though he REALLY enjoyed himself on our family vacation last week, he said he really missed his swim practices. He did pretty good. We just need to help him get off of the starting blocks a little faster! He was faster than the other two swimmers when it came to the butterfly stroke, though! Next week is the last week for his swim team. He's very tan and has been exercising all summer long.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:13 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
More Vacation Stuff : Our Hike to Mossbrae Falls
We did a very interesting hike on our vacation. The hike was right along side the railroad tracks. We even walked on the cement right next to the tracks. Both on the way to the falls and back a train came. We could feel the tracks vibrating and then we could hear them screech! On the way there, we didn't have a whole lot of room as we backed away from the tracks. The train sounded its horn. Talk about some excitement!! The walk wasn't too far. Other hikers told us that it was 3,000 railroad steps. Some of them were marked with 2,200, then 2,300 and so on. The waterfalls were gorgeous, and the spray was so refreshing. The kids could walk on big river rocks and also get in the water. What was a little annoying was that some people came down with all of their fishing gear and fished right where people were trying to play. This happened at another waterfall where people were trying to swim! Go figure. B was so happy that he found a rock each color of the rainbow. It was so cool. T kept tossing rocks into the water and this poor dog kept thinking T was playing fetch with him. The rock would sink and the dog was so confused! Poor thing. We played around for quite a while and then headed back. T fell asleep after the 2nd train came screeching by.
Posted by Stephanie at 7:49 PM 1 comments
Labels: vacation
Waterballoons for FHE!
B, N & I filled @ 150 waterballoons to take to the park. We were soaked!
N getting ready to launch a balloon. T & J are nearby waiting for their turn
We met a few families at a nearby park last night for FHE. We had a quick thought (yes, we managed to round up all of the kids! - miracles DO happen), we played a little Bocce Ball, and then we launched a few hundred water balloons! It was SO much fun. Many of the kids went out to the field to try to catch some of the balloons. There were some water balloon fights, too, of course. After the last water balloon was launched, we enjoyed the treats. Everyone brought something to share and it was heaven for the kids. It was fun to watch all of the kids running around laughing and playing together, and the adults enjoyed it all too. We'll have to do this again.
Posted by Stephanie at 1:04 PM 2 comments
Labels: FHE
Monday, July 28, 2008
Grants Pass, Oregon
We stopped @ the Medford Temple. It's right behind a stake center and was hard to spot at first because of all of the trees. We walked around the tiny grounds. N was especially happy to be there. He grabbed the camera and snapped a bunch of pictures. He was anxious to add them to his iPod photos when we got home.
Dad & T taking advantage of the shade for a little break.
The boys were quick to get back into the pool at our hotel! They went in and out of the hot tub and pool.
Let me just say that it was just gorgeous up in southern Oregon. We stayed in a city called Grant's Pass, right near the Rogue River. We loved the rolling hills and all of the trees. One of the cool things about this hotel room here is that it had 3 Queen beds! It was awesome. No kids on the floor. For a few nights on our trip, we watched the Discovery Channel together. We got into the show "The Deadlist Catch" -- it's all about fishermen in the Bering Straight fishing for Alaskan King Crab. Amazing. We were glued!
Posted by Stephanie at 1:50 PM 4 comments
Jet Boat Ride on the Rogue River
We had the opportunity to take a jet boat ride on the Rogue River through Hellgate. The boat went fast! The guy driving our boat was also the tour guide. Sometimes when he'd stop the boat fast, we'd get splashed. Then, he prepared us for some 360* spins!! That was so much fun!!! One of the times, N got soaked! The trip was 2 hours and it took us through Hellgate, where we turned around and headed back. We loved it! We got to see a bald eagle along the way, too. T kept asking when we could go back on the blue boat .... all day. Well worth the $$$.
Posted by Stephanie at 1:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: vacation
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Part of our Fabulous Vacation!
We just got home from a GREAT family vacation. It was hard to pick just a few pictures for this post. We left Monday afternoon and headed up to Mt. Shasta. We had a great view of the mountain on our first night there. After taking in the view, we hit the indoor swimming pool and hot tub. The boys swam A LOT on our vacation! At about 10pm, we took the boys outside to see all of the stars. We could see the Milky Way. That was awesome!!
Posted by Stephanie at 7:41 PM 5 comments
Labels: vacation
Friday, July 25, 2008
Dinner of Champions!
Posted by Stephanie at 7:58 PM 2 comments
Labels: vacation
Thursday, July 24, 2008
J's Tickle Monsters
The other day, G & I were tickling the day-lights out of J. He is extremely ticklish. He screams, laughs, and kicks, but he loves it. He's made sure that we know he likes it even though he screams. Anyway, he pleaded for us to stop and we did. He caught his breath, waited about 30 seconds, and then said very matter-of-factly, "Oh, where were we?" Oh, yeah! The tickling resumed!
Posted by Stephanie at 8:00 PM 5 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Tap Tap, Is this thing on??
Posted by Stephanie at 8:30 PM 5 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Our Water Polo Stud
N REALLY didn't want to miss his water polo scrimmage on Friday, but his Scout troop was leaving at about the same time for their over-nighter. We arranged to drive him up to camp, if necessary, but his troop was still at the scoutmaster's house when we arrived late. Anyway, he has really been enjoying his swim team. They devote at least 1 day a week to learning water polo skills. Again, N has a huge advantage with his long arms. He can hold the ball up in the air completely out of reach. I mean, he still has to be aware of opponents, but it sure does give him a little more time to pass. He wants to continue learning about water polo. I'm hoping to find a clinic or something ... Oh, and he was worried about the 15 mile bike ride at scout camp. He's already done three 10-mile bike rides, one 15-mile bike ride, AND he's been conditioning with swim team 4 times a week. I told him he'd be fine. Aside from some hills on the trail, he said he did pretty good. His troop is currently working on the Bicycling merit badge. Btw, N has an awesome Scoutmaster! It's been a busy summer full of exercise for this kid.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
A Couple of GREAT Recipes
With the hot summer days, I rarely turn my oven on. It's too dang hot! But yesterday, I wanted a hearty dinner. So, I busted out one of our favorite Slow Cooker recipes. It turned out great and it hit the spot. Plus, it didn't heat up my kitchen ... definitely a bonus in my book. The chicken was so tender. Here's the recipe:
Posted by Stephanie at 5:37 PM 4 comments
Labels: recipe
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Who ARE These Kids??
B & J picked out these disguises today from the "Wishing Well". They each got a dollar to spend how they wanted at the store. They wore these off and on for most of the day. J even surprised our chiropractor with the disguise! That got a laugh. (J and I have both been going to our chiropractor this past week -- that's another story). It was funny to see them wearing these in the van. I'd get a glimpse out of my rear-view mirror and see them sitting there so matter-of-factly. Good times!!
Posted by Stephanie at 9:47 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Bowling ... Round 2

Posted by Stephanie at 7:27 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Free Movie

Posted by Stephanie at 9:03 PM 4 comments
Labels: movie
Monday, July 14, 2008
More Ice Cream for FHE
Posted by Stephanie at 10:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: FHE
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Farmer's Market
We went over to the local farmer's market/flea market this morning. The boys were great! That includes T. We found the best naval oranges and were given a sample. The boys devoured them! T wanted another one and was sticky from finger-tips to his elbows!
Posted by Stephanie at 5:00 PM 2 comments